Monday, September 12, 2011


“La Quinta's finest featured the following article in the 'GEM'. It is worthwhile reading again.

PREVENTING THEFT ~ Keeping Your Property Safe”

Theft is the most common crime reported in the City of La Quinta. The La
Quinta Police Department encourages you to take responsibility for protecting your property. Here are a few tips for discouraging would-be thieves in your home, neighborhood or school:

• Think like a criminal. It is imperative to be “street smart.” Put yourself in the place of thieves who are always looking for something to steal. Thieves are always on the lookout, so you should be too.

• Limit access, reduce benefits, and increase risk. Criminals usually
commit a crime if they think they have easy access to an item with little risk of being caught. Being vigilant and “street smart” can affect their perception that the risk outweighs the potential benefits.

• Never leave your property unattended. Don’t be lulled into a false
sense of security. Even if you are among friends, in familiar surroundings, or even if you’re just looking away for a moment—it pays to keep an eye on your property.

• When it comes to cars or bikes, remember to look, lock, and
leave. Look around for suspicious persons when you park your vehicle or
bike. Lock your vehicle or your bike securely. Don’t leave anything of value in plain sight.

• Beware of the garage. Garages are a common entry point for burglars
and thieves. Open garage doors serve to advertise your belongings. Make
sure the garage door remains closed any time you are not present.

If you have any questions, please call Officer Fowler at (760) 777-7376.

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