Friday, December 5, 2014

North La Quinta Maintenance District Update

It has been some time since we've heard anything about the proposed North La Quinta Maintenance Assessment districts. Just recently, I was able to reach out to the Public Works Department to inquire about the status. I was informed that after the survey results were received and reviewed by the Public Works Department and discussed at length at the City Council level, the decision was made last May to table the issue and possibly revisit after the November elections. If you were not aware, the results were that the interest of North La Quinta homeowners to approve the establishment of the Maintenance districts was limited to the minority with only approximately one-third being interested in establishing the districts and taking on the additional taxes annually that would have been required to cover the expense. Those results were received very well by the majority ... While no one on either side of the issue including the city of La Quinta is pleased with the current condition of the identified areas, the current goal is to investigate different landscaping design options which will not be spectacular but better ... The question is: How soon will the condition of the areas be revisited? This is what I wrote up to inform you of … and now there is evidence of what we can likely expect. I know the time change may limit the ease of noticing changes for many of us however have you noticed the pathway area from Wakefield Circle down to Adams street/Blackhawk Way was under renovation. The trees have been trimmed and the grass was replaced with decomposed granite earlier this week.

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