Friday, December 5, 2014

Speed limits and safe driving in Desert Pride

Many residents have been noticing the driving habits of our neighbors, guests and Vendors (Contractors, Landscapers, etc.). They have been reporting the less than safe issues to the City of La Quinta. I have been contacted by the City to put together a formal notice of the issues and a request for action, including but not limited to more speed limit signs, locating the digital read out trailer to make drivers more aware, painting the streets (maybe with a large yellow “CAUTION” in particular areas and possibly speed bumps or humps. Whatever is going to be requested, it must come from a majority so we really need to come together as a community to address the situation. Please keep in mind that while one resident may not mind a speed limit sign or bump/hump at or near the front of their home, another might not be in favor. While we’ve been asked to voice our concerns, that doesn’t mean whatever we request is going to be approved. We all have heard about budget issues and those likely won’t change unless these particular items might come from a different area of the budget. What this means is that I need feedback from one and all at your earliest convenience. Share your ideas and thoughts about our development’s traffic concerns and email them to me. I will organize the data and hopefully we can get together en masse maybe at our Community Park on a Saturday morning/afternoon, if desired. When you email, please use the following email and provide, name, home address, phone (if you want) and your thoughts on the issue. I promise you I would never sell info and I will never send you anything unless it’s in regards to the community.

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